Forget freshman 15, I’ve out done myself with the COVID 19. 😎

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19? Those are rookie numbers


Picture or it didn’t happen.



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Does Citiustech provide Covid leaves?
If yes, how many?

27, first pregnancy 6 weeks and I think I just had a miscarriage. Waiting for my doctor to call me back because I’m not sure what to do. Any advice or insight on what happens during this next appointment? I’m scared I’m just going to burst into tears we planned to tell our families this Friday


The famine and humanitarian pain that will result from this are going to be catastrophic


Thought I was being really proactive by looking into freezing my eggs at 29. Did the initial testing and am floored by how poor my indicators are (amh = .7, etc). ☹️ anyone else find out like this? Completely didn’t expect it.


Gym etiquette question - I was in the weight room of my gym and a girl was on a machine for at least 15 min, most if which time she was just sitting on her phone. I did the rest of my workout and politely asked if she was still using it because I could see that she was just sitting. She said no so I said no worries, I’ll wait until she was done. Stood a few feet away and was scrolling on my phone. She started yelling at me that I was hovering and needed me leave. Was I somehow in the wrong?


I don't know for sure that this is an ADHD thing but does anyone else get really irritated by small things or have trouble regulating their emotions? Especially when you take a day off from medication? I feel like the smallest thing can piss me off, especially in the AM. Am I just not a morning person or this a symptom?


Has anyone flown frontier since Covid? How was the experience and did it seem safe?


(Especially those of you with young children) how do you make time to exercise/be active?


Does anyone have any advice/tips for helping a spouse or SO who is suffering from depression and anxiety. My SO has made the commitment to speak with a doctor but the appointment isn’t for another two weeks and they are really struggling right now. I’ve never dealt with this before and want to be as supportive as possible.


How many ppl are doing offshore handoff calls on a daily basis including Sunday night for half and hr to 1hr+?? Not feeling like a sustainable routine. It’s been cutting into my sleep


hi! just got promoted to senior & think it’s finally time to leave. not because i finally got the senior title, but because public accounting is making my life miserable. I have been fighting the urge to just quit & kept telling myself that it might get better. i’m finding that this job is not good for my mental health. How did you guys go about finding your next job? Maybe I’m just being dramatic, but I feel like I’m scarred by my last 3 busy season &can’t imagine working in a corporate setting


For those who work 100% remote with their company, what health insurance provider does your company offer? (ie. UHC, Aetna, BCBS, etc)


I’ve suffered from workaholism for a long time. Thanks to a lot of great self help books and therapy, I’m no longer putting work on a pedestal and I’m spending a lot more time on self care and my marriage. But, unfortunately, I am now getting withdrawals, because my body is used to the daily adrenaline of throwing myself into work. It’s this terrible feeling of like anguish/unease in my gut, but I don’t have anything I’m worried about- it’s like my body wants to find something to worry about.


Has anyone tested high cortisol levels? What did your doctor recommend?

My cortisol test just came back at 28 where the normal range ends at 22.

I was on a fairly stressful week in my project at that time, wondering how much it fluctuates day to day.


Amy recommendations for an ivf doctor in Mumbai? Low AMH and poor response to IVF round 1


I'm studying proton therapy (radiation) and it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. The fact that we can target tumors with so much accuracy is incredible


Had my saline sonogram today. Talk about a textbook septate uterus. Definitely need the surgery 😮‍💨 also very interesting thing.. RE noticed I have a dominant follicle…literally last induced period was mid October… why do I have a 14 mm follicle now??!! This is so weird!!


This is off topic - suggestions for a good health insurance cover of 5L for parents aging from 54-56yrs


Having some mental health issues and trying to keep myself steady enough to move through the ever increasing mountain of work (corporate/transactional). I’m finding it incredibly challenging not to shrink into a ball and give up. I’m sure I’m not the only one whose had this feeling (which has been like this for weeks but snowballed much worse recently) or is feeling this way now. Any tips on how to manage? I feel like I can barely move some days.


Why isn’t there morning insomnia? I would love to feel this relentlessly awake at 7 am.


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Interviewed for Advanced Analyst role, 2 panel members, 30 mins interview, hr called sometime later same day saying got selected for 2nd round and sent an invite for 2nd round after a week. On the day of 2nd round, 15 mins before the scheduled time she sent another email stating "interview stands cancelled, panel unavailable." Haven't heard from them for a week now. Does this mean my candidature got cancelled or what's going on? 🧐🧐🧐


Anyone knows if BCG is hiring laterally in Dubai? and willing to refer.


How do I turn down a state trial court clerkship?

I received an offer at a firm right before I received an offer for a state clerkship and I think I would rather start practicing right out of school than clerk. How should I word the rejection email for the clerkship offer?

Thanks for the help!


I am a med surg nurse in a hospital and the burnout is horrible. I’m looking for something remote part time because I can’t keep going like this and need something a bit more manageable.


Can I get some likes please

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What are some of your strategies to help push out “what your company has been up to”? Utilizing platforms such as LinkedIn, IG, company websites are covered! How else do you prefer to promote company events?


Since joining fishbowl, I am curious, what does everyone like most about this platform?


Partners, at B4 I’ve heard that after 10 years you become fully vested in the partnership. What all does that mean with regards to shares / other benefits (vs. say a 9-year partner)? Thanks!


Hey Everyone,

Please let me know if anything comes up for pune location. I have not added to Pune DL yet so kot receiving any email.

I want to be gifted the new dyson air wrap styler. It is sooooo good!


Any update on WFH for CTS?


Hi, I need some help. I have 5 yr of experience in consulting. Expecting an offer from Capgemini (invent). Any insights on how much (fixed) salary shall I expect ? Current fixed is 14 LPA. Capgemini


Hlw, on the 1st day how much time they will take to complete onbording process in IBM KOLKATA, Monday i am hving onbording with ibm also i need to return train reservation thats why i need to know this Please let me know, if anyone joined recently in ibm Kolkata?? Thanks in advance😊 IBM Cognizant Deloitte Tata Consultancy


have rollover miles just not posted yet?

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My joining is in June


Hi Everyone,
What all tickets can come under LTA? Can hotel receipt be calculated as LTA ? Bus tickets , aur tickets for to and from base location be calculated as LTA ?


After receiving the confirmation I-140 approval, how long does it take to receive the physical approval notice in mail from the USCIS? It’s been two weeks and I still haven’t got the mail.


Hi, I've got a first round interview on Thursday, June 16th. Looking to practice a few more cases, anyone available between 4 and 11 pm est, on the 14th or 15th?


Hello All,
Can anyone share their views about Job security,Culture and Work environment at BirlaSoft Chennai?
Thank you in advance

Additional Posts in The Worklife Bowl

Our ad agency has been offering remote work since last year. For you first timers? Do you need some help or advice?


Wait so if the confederacy was only around for 5 years, what kinda legacy/heritage are people even trying to preserve?? 🤔🤔


White noise machines in the home office are a god send.


Did anyone who got Moderna vaccine get a flare up of seborrheic dermatitis?

I got my first flare up of this autoimmune condition 5 days after my first Moderna dose and it’s only gotten worse since (I have been doing treatment). I was doing some research online how covid patients in hospitals got the condition so I wasn’t sure if it would be related to the 2 doses of Moderna vaccine. Just thought I would ask if it happened to anyone else.

Maybe it was just a coincidence too


I get nervous every time I have speak at company meetings. I am a new team lead for my function and I am not sure how to overcome this issue. It always get's the best of me but I'd like to find a way to overcome it. I try to be confident but soon as questions come in or if my name is mentioned, I loose it. Any chance any one has some tips?


If I see one more post about asking for office chair recommendation I might actually lose it


1 data point but maybe positive data point? Less cases in the last 24 hours than before.

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Has anyone purchased the St Regis mattress. Does it worth it?


Why doesn’t Google Home have the capability to set up a timed routine for smart plugs to come on/off while I’m away? Seems like it should be a basic feature


How do you avoid burnout?


Can a SOX client decide to cancel an SOW? They aren’t any news about allowing public companies to push financial statements disclosures right ? 🙆🏼‍♀️ my coworker just freaked me out but I am pretty sure..


What do we think about tea as an appetite suppressant?


How much should a validation engineer I be paid in a big pharmaceutical industry?


Location : India

Any good recommendations for office chair and desk for WFH?


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For those who go the gym on the way to work in the morning - have you got any tips/tricks for efficiency? I've switched from going after work, as I was constantly skipping out due to long days, but am now feeling very rushed in the morning


Quick question for those who were outraged by the “Defund the Police” campaign. Are you outraged by Trumps threats to further cut education funding if schools don’t fully open in the fall?


Hahahahaha true story.

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