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Btw how do you deal with manager excluding you in meetings yet includes a junior person in such meetings? I feel kinda awkward and left out. This has been happening for a couple of months. Citi Coincidently or not, this started happening when my manager’s manager praised my work during the absence of my manager.
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So I haven’t logged into this app for three months and started to giggle so hard when post after post I’m seeing people realizing the incredible impact neoliberal policies and bidenomics have had on this country. To brighten your day, a lovely impression from Lucile Bluth, imitating our policy makers wrt inflation.
Wow sorry! Haven’t been on in a long time. She didn’t care! Said it was better to miss added value that go over budget. Thanks everyone!
Added value isn't guaranteed and as I previously mentioned if missed I would negotiate for the following month or campaigns
I've bought TV for a long time and it has happened to me. I negotiated to "bank" the added value impressions and apply for the next campaign burst. Similar to what would happen if you are running tv during political can not get added value running so you negotiate to bank it for after the window.
Just be transparent about it and have a solution
How did it go?
^questions that need answers!!!?
Does your boss review IOs before they go out? If so, they should have caught it so equally on them.
But also, These things happen don’t let it stress you out. People I know who are still going strong in the industry have made mistakes that actually occurred with the clients money (ie. I let a social campaign overspend by ~$5K+, an old VP, Director of mine said he made a milli-dollar mistake with an upfront buy starting out etc) and you come to your boss with several ideas of ways to resolve showing you’re thinking about solutions not just bringing a problem to them (even if none end up being viable options showing the effort matters) and work together to fix/figure out next steps on addressing with the client if need be.
These are just some free impressions that were missed - truly not a big deal. Did the campaign impressions over deliver against what was actually purchased? If so, boom added value impressions are there because vendors can’t charge you for over delivery/anything delivered above contacted $$s.
Things like suggestions on process change to put things in place to avoid this again is great! Your head is in the right space, just a few more ideas and you’ll be ok. Maybe reco training/having at least one other shadow you on what you do as another suggestion to take to them?
Oh I buy broadcast all the time and have not scheduled AV a few times because I’m usually overworked, stressed and need to get a buy that should’ve taken a few weeks to build done in a day so things fall through the cracks. It’s not that I’m not paying attention but when you’re doing 20+ buys at the same time, something has to give. It’s added value, it’s not guaranteed by most tv or radio stations so don’t stress too much. Hopefully they over delivered for you so you can count that towards AV.
Reach out to your TV partners and see if there’s anything they can provide. Check and see if there’s something they maybe ran and you didn’t know about like on air snipes. Get some options for them for out of flight and take it with you to your boss.