Found this, thoughts?

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extreme Sunday scaries rn 😭😱 #gimme1moreweek
HH in Denver?
Any plans for 3 day weekend plan from LA?
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The Southbay is definitely not the Bronx! ES, MB, HB, and RB are very sought out places
Also Throggs Neck and the Pelham Bay area are the equivalent to some of those neighborhoods noted. Not all of the Bronx is "rough".
Don’t think Burbank should be included in queens. It’s probably closer to a UWS. Hollywood would be like Times Square…
Probably Brentwood
This is as close to a comparison of these two very different cities as you will ever get.
In a very rough superficial way, 90% of it is pretty spot on.
Bel Air's right in the heart of L.A.
But L.A. has no heart.
You're not wrong about it being more like Westchester or Greenwich than Midtown though in its character. Don't know much about Alpine though.