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Anybody wants to chat dirty? 36M here!
Big 4 vs International Law firms - discuss….
How do you over aggressive women bosses?
Anybody wants to chat dirty? 36M here!
Rent it out!
You don’t need to fly back and forth. I managed and sold my Chicago condo while living in a different state. At the time of the closing I was on a plane. You just give restricted power of attorney to a lawyer just for managing and if needed selling that property.
I think the real question is: Do you expect to make significantly more with that 350K here in the US compared to that ongoing 2K in your home country? I would imagine you can invest that rental income and get similar returns elsewhere. So, don't really think selling it and investing that money here has any particular benefits.
D2, I do in general, but I was always lucky with tenants. I’ve read legislation in MA and it’s very landlord unfriendly, but the market was growing before COVID, so maybe with proper process on vetting tenants it could work.
But I was also thinking of other states like RI, NY, IL.
Also I can keep that apartment and rent it out for $2k a month
Sell and buy property in MA if that’s where you would like to live long term.
Thank you! Would be super grateful if you elaborate so I could learn
I suggest buying in Cambridge. MA real estate is going up, and has appreciated a lot in value. However, this also depends on the market which you are coming from.
Thank you!
Rising Star
Are you planning on living in MA long term? If so use that towards buying a primary residence for you and your family and save on rent.
Thank you!
Where are you making 220? And how did you get the GC so soon?
I don’t. I said it was not my home country. I lived there, and my husband is from Israel.
Are you a man or woman? But who is paying that much in MA? Wellington? Fidelity?
Those were all compliments! Well done OP
Rising Star
Go back while you still can
I like it here. Taxation is better. My son is an autist and education and services he received in MA before COVID was exemplary, I haven’t seen better options anywhere else. Even though Israel education for special needs was also good.
I like owning a car (it’s crazy expensive in Israel, I paid like $1000 a month to lease Opel Insignia).
Also, I have more career options here if I decide to move on, because market is much bigger.
And on purely professional note, I prefer American labor legislation to others.
הכל עניין של תשואה.
1. מחירי הדירות בארץ רק יעלו בשנים הקרובות (מניח שגרתם במרכז) אז משתלם להחזיק ולהשכיר. בנוגע לחתימה על החוזה את יכולה לתת יפוי כוח להורים או לעו"ד.
2. לקנות פה נכס להשקעה זה לא רע. אני גר באוסטין ומחירי הנדל"ן רק מזנקים. לא יודע מה המצב במסצ'וסטס. העניין הוא שתצטרכי רואה חשבון רציני כדי לצמצם את המיסים שתשלמי על העברת הכספים.
באופן אישי, אני חיסלתי את העניינים בארץ כשאנחנו לפה, מצד שני לא הגענו עם יותר מדי כסף...
תחפשי בפייסבוק קבוצת "רילוקיישן אינפורמיישן" (בעברית) - יש שם מלא טיפים מחבר'ה שעשו צעדים דומים.