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Hello Silver Fox Anderson Cooper! NY represent!
I definitely don't and rarely have. 3-4 hours max at full capacity. If a company excepts 12 hours, you are being overworked and should be paid overtime. Especially if you're client billable by the hour. It took me awhile to learn, joining Deloitte from undergrad, that everyone appears busier than they are, it's a game tbh. Nobody wants to work more than they have to. Now I take the same approach - my Slack, Teams, and Skype is always active!
Different roles & levels require different types of effort. Typically at higher levels you spend more time thinking & less time “doing”. Many c-level jobs involve strategy & resource allocation… not crunching excel spreadsheets.
I certainly don’t spend 12 hours a day “doing” but I do work through the day and don’t really take breaks. Most days I’m in a meeting for lunch & when I’m not I just work through.
Wut who grinded like that in undergrad that's crazy.
You'd flunk your GPA if you study that little.
Rising Star
1) working consistently 12h is not healthy
2) productivity comes from organization. List the things you want to get done, most of them.are just sending an email that takes few seconds and generates noise/anxiety in your mind
3) experience allows you to form a lot of mind connections. Is not the same effort to think something for the 1st time than the 1000.
4) You dont have to "do" things, so your mind is less busy. Delegation works.
5) structure. Is all about structure. Top-down, with dimensions levels and criteria. not jumping between topics.
6) They may appear to work 100h at 90%, but probably only "work" 20 at 70. The rest is probably just talking with people and trying to know what those people really want to say.
No need at Deloitte. At least in GPS you should be able to maintain a 40 hour workweek. Obviously there will be exceptions a couple of times a year but if you're working 12 hours a day you're doing something very wrong.
Not at all. A full 8 hour billable day is a lot