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I will be interviewing with ClearView Healthcare Partners for an experienced role at the London office. Wondering if anyone have insights of what the interview could look like? I know they will be a case and fit questions. Wondering if it will be any different to graduate entry interviews? If they will me technical questions? TIA!
Chronic Care Management as a side hustle
You can get both; you just cant apply class credits to both degree at the same time; e.g. CS6400 can only be counted for either Omsa or Omscs even if its an elective for both degree.
GATech is many folds cheaper
SA1, you know not what you speak of. I completed an advanced degree in data science and analytics, hybrid online at a big ten school, and it has been life changing. Emerging tech and new statistical techniques with learnings immediately applicable to my client work. I feel light years ahead of my peers and am able to truly speak and deliver client work from a qualified perspective. And yes, my compensation lift was significant, but for me, it is the knowledge and experiences collaborating with classmates that I value most. Btw, UC Berkeley is known for having one of the top MS in Analytics programs.
M1, I completed an MS in Data Science. I have 20+ yrs of data management experience (BI, DW, MDM), but felt I needed the statistical theory, modern programming languages, and business application for advanced analytics. As SA1 stated, I could have gotten the programming through lower cost means, but to me, I wanted a multi-disciplined experience that included leadership, strategy, business case development, change management, talent development, analytics delivery methodologies, and of course the math, statistics, modeling approaches, and technologies surrounding advanced analytics, machine learning, big data, and cloud. Data management/engineering and visualization were also included. I also needed the accountability that a degree program provided....after all, I had hard dollars at risk and a busy career. Maybe not for everyone, but for me, the best investment I’ve made in my career
I did the MIDS degree at UCB. The School of Information is an actual college with other courses and PhD students. Though I had been doing data science for 4 years before I started it, so for me it was just the name (plus I didn’t have any American degrees so it made sense for me). That being said, GATech is far more technical and UCB is more holistic (ethics comes to mind) depends on what you are looking for. GATech is more about giving you a basic framework and they expect you to do the online research and figure it out, whereas UCB is a bit more structured and you have more access to professors.
SDS1 is correct about GT. A lot of it is very technical. The business courses are a joke though. I wouldn’t recommend the Business Analytics track (not sure if it’s even available online). I’d recommend Analytical Tools track if you like Stat & OR and Computational Data Analytics track if you like coding.
The CS classes are all also offered in the OMSCS program. The Stat/OR classes are from GT’s Industrial Engineering MS & PHD programs.
I know that the OMSCS program is extremely reputed. OMSA, not very sure.
My wife is in her second semester of the GA Tech’s OMSA. Overall, she’s learning a ton, but it’s quite intense. I wouldn’t want to do that while working.
Was part of the on campus program and TAed one of the OMSA courses. In terms of coverage it's as good as the on campus program. It is a balancing act if you have a full time job (which is true for all online courses). Having said that, nothing quite compares to being surrounded by like minded batchmates day in and day out
I am enrolled to both Omscs and Omsa. I dont plan to finish either of the. I think both mean nothing as degree but you learn a lot.
I thought you can only choose one?
All, i have a non data role right now, any recos between UC berkeleys data science and Gtech?
IMO, these degrees are like low ranking eMBA. Not a career changer but you learn something and get a degree that looks expensive but stupid. "school of information"?? Really UCB??
Good point MD1. These should be useful for people who had no prior related education. I was assuming everyone in this bowl has some idea of what programming is and using it daily life. Having said that, there are TON of free material that you can learn whatever they are teaching on these programs.
About UCB, it is a great school but I just dont like "school of information" they created to cashcow naive professionals. GT costs 10k and you get exactly same degree as in-person full cs/data science programs which makes more sense to me. I learned a lot yet I don't see so much value in degree and what I have learned couldve been picked up for free from online. I just did it since my firm paid for it. I would never drop 50k on UCB materials which are basically free online.
MD1 which course did you take and how was the workload? Dis you have prior data background
SA1, did you already complete the program? I thought that was relatively new
They seem to have a gre/gmat requirement, did anyone here get a waiver based on work ex and/or past education?
The gre/gmat is optional
@md1 Which institution?