34M in Philly area seeking woman who loves milksteak (you should know what that means); magnets...just magnets; hates people’s knees (cover your knees up if you’re going to be walking everywhere); likes funny little green ghouls; other interests include writing musicals, the waitress, kitten mittens, spaghetti days, guns, America, playing Nightcrawlers, green man. If interested dm me.
$75-$100/hr as a contractor
When I was a contractor I was making at least 40 percent more than hourly/salary. Paying your own benefits, taxes, etc. adds up and anything less is just not worth it.
what kind of benefits would you be losing?
Normally double your hourly employee rate per hour. But, it’s possible he’s trying to cut you when times get rough. They convert you to a contractor then they cut your hours then they just go to zero hours. They call you back when they want to. See if he’ll guarantee time per week.
I was a contractor when I originally hired on with my current company. I had no benefits but was a w9 taxed employee. If you are a 1099 contractor, you will be responsible for your own taxes with also zero benefits. If you are losing benefits where you are part time, your new rate should include the cost per hour of replacing the benefits. Ex. Health insurance at $800 a year would now be your responsibility so you would need to recover $100 a month as you wouldn’t fall under any discounted rates anywhere. Depends on how many hours you are expected to work and what they provide for you now.
Wow that's a lot compared to mine. Mine is family plan as well. I was paying 1/3 of what I an paying now at my former job