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Anyone up ? 😉
Her unborn son to be hailed as "Associate" 😅
Best dog groomers? I have a german shepherd!
Which movie has the highest amount of cute guys😏
Anyone up ? 😉
Mmm honestly I wouldn’t
It is. You flew in with her to probably show support, be there for her. Do that!
That's gonna be a hard no, don't do it.
Thanks all. I’ll stay back and cook dinner.
Rising Star
Same! I wouldn’t - Maybe do something nice to invite her dad home? Or something to make her happy and show that you care?
You’re right. Thank you!
Looks like my opinion is different from majority. You've shown that you're here to support her by physically traveling with her and being there emotionally when she needs it. In my opinion, it is a little unfair for her to expect that you stay at home doing nothing while she goes to the hospital. Just because you go out with friends doesn't mean you don't love her or respect her or want to help in the situation. Of course, it's nice to give a gesture, like cooking dinner or taking care of a problem at the house. But if you're there for any more than just one day I would say it's definitely fair for you to go out. It would be different if Dad was sick at the house or if you were able to go to the hospital with her and then you chose to go out. But with covid restrictions right now you probably can't go to the hospital.
At the very least I don't think it hurts to ask her opinion. Just approach it from a respectful place, like starting with asking how you can help around the house or what you can do to relieve her stress. If she doesn't give you anything to do ask how she feels if you were to go out while she went to the hospital.
Just be home when she comes home!
Yeah I wouldn’t do it unless it’s like the hospital is a distance and you KNOW they’re gonna be gone for 5 or more hours
It’s telling us what kind of person you are. What if you were in the same situation like your girlfriend (assuming you like your family)?