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Hi all, after joining at ibm its been 1 month and,, i received 1 project call and they took my interview and directly assigned me on that project( time of interview i asked about the project,, but interviewer didn't gave me proper view regarding project, ) I just came to know that the project is on manual testing,, and i am selected for automation testing for the project as well ibm.. Please give me suggestion?? Thanks in advance😊 IBM Cognizant Tata Consultancy Deloitte
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Working in big law is like being in a mafia movie. To stay alive, you have to be comfortable with the phrase, “It’s not personal, it’s just business.”
They used to call him Due Diligence Danny. He'd review your data room like none other. He made a lot of money too. Salud Danny.
About to do this too. Feel so bad but we need to do what’s best for us and they would for them. GOOD LUCK
Yeah, I feel the pain. Hopefully it will all be good!
You have to manage your own career - that’s your top priority. Just be professional and don’t burn any bridges, and let her know you appreciate everything she did to bring you over. But you don’t have anything to apologize for.
As a 9th year, you are expected to put your personal career path first. This is your partnership window, and no one should fault you for maximizing your chances as long as you do so with respect, appreciation and some humility.