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Eid Mubarak to those celebrating 🌸🕌
Hello fishes. I received a call from Iberis technologies saying they are hiring for Lenovo. Recruiter said I will be on payroll of iberis until 2 performance reviews and then I will move under the payroll of Lenovo. But they are not ready to give that in written. Also she is saying Lenovo doesn't hire people directly nowadays. They have to go through other vendors payroll before they become permanent with Lenovo. Is it true?
Say it as a matter of fact. This is business, it's not personal.
Exactly. You don't owe them anything and they don't owe you anything. Chances are you made them some money during your stay so they should be appreciative about that part.
“I appreciate my time here an the opportunities you’ve given me, but it is time for me to move on. I’ve accepted a position at [place] concentrating on [subject]. This is a great opportunity that I couldn’t pass up to grow my career, and I’ve decided to take it. To tie up any loose ends, my last day will be [date]. But I do want to thank you for the experience this firm has given me.” Etc. Something along those lines.
If you’re leaving for positive reasons, state them (other opportunity is great because (sector, type of work, relocation,…). If you’re leaving for negative reasons (because you hate your current job), state only the positive ones about the new opportunity.
In other words: don’t be negative about the employer you are leaving and remember it’s business. They would fire you without second thoughts if necessary.
Also generally anxious af about giving my notice (first timer) - general advice and encouragement appreciated, too! Get me outta here !
Just remember to back up/take what you need BEFORE you give notice… just in case it doesn’t go well. Good luck! Totally understand the anxiety.
Outlook contacts, any personal docs you maintain on your work laptop (I know you’re not supposed to do personal things, but I have a copy of my lease as an example), CLE resources you downloaded and want to keep using, a note of all the emails you’d have to switch over (bar member log in, prof associations, etc.), 401k info/log in, list of your matters for future conflicts checks, etc.
Rising Star
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