Going through a breakup now- we dated for 8 months and have been getting into fights multiple times per week and it’s become toxic (swearing/name calling from him). Yesterday got in a dumb fight and ended up taking all my stuff from his place and we returned our keys, and haven’t talked since. Need inspo stories from ppl who went through something similar. Any recs for moving on?
Going cold turkey always works for me; breakup every contact, surround yourself with things you like to do - movies, shows, hiking, chilling with friends, eating ice cream, etc. whatever you do, don’t feel sorry for yourself; get out there and enjoy life with your friends and family. Then in few weeks you will realize how much happier you are being without him. Then, you take your time and do what you need to to get back into the dating game.
I dated my ex for 5 months and the entire time it was toxic and he blamed me for everything. We were literally on the way to break up when I found he had another girlfriend for the entire time we were dating. I got through that pretty quick cause I decided I needed to raise my standards and that even thinking about him was a waste of time.
I’m glad you packed your bags and left. That takes courage and well done!
Stay with family/ friends for a while, get some therapy, travel a bit, pick up a hobby and in 6 months think about dating again.