Got broken up with by my bf of 1 yr. He said he felt like something was missing from our relationship but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) say what. I know I should just focus on moving on but I can’t help but fixate on this. We had similar goals, values, lifestyles and were pretty compatible. We got along great and the physical chemistry was still there. So what could be missing????
He’s just not that into you. You might think you got along great and there was chemistry, but he clearly didn’t think so. There could be a million reasons why he wasn’t into you, but everything just comes down to feeling not mutual, and that should be enough of a closure for you, move on.
As a guy, if I broke up with my SO, and my reasoning was that vague, it’s likely one of two things:
- I know the reason why I broke up with you, but I don’t want to tell you bc it either makes me look like a jerk or I think it’ll hurt your feelings to a point I couldn’t tolerate doing
- I subconsciously know the reason, but I’m too afraid to admit it, so I can’t articulate it to you
That’s something to ask him, since its something that only he knows
How old are you?
At that age I would have expected a little more maturity.