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Additional Posts in Middle East Consultants
I'm going through the process for a lead data scientist role at McKinsey & Company / QuantumBlack. My recruiter says that the case study will be related to data science but there's isn't an awful lot to work with online. Is it going to be same as the case interview for generalist roles? Any advice from someone who's gone through the process or works in the firm would be really helpful!McKinsey & Company QuantumBlack
Got rejected from BCG final round :(
As a non-lebanese at the firm, this is spot on
For all the Lebanese guys reading this, I got your back! Join our community!
Lemme in
I don't see the problem, they represent each of Lebanon's governates.
There’s a reason why Lebanon is a fucked up country (more fucked up than Syria). Economically and all other levels.
Those saying this is not a problem. Having a firm dominated by christian Lebanese is one thing, and being discriminative against all Arabs/non-arabs outside that segments is another level of racism and discrimination.
What's the problem?
Arabs in a Middle Eastern office? I'm guessing you'd find a European majority in European offices, Asian majority in Asian offices, etc.
It’s a slavery job at any firm if you want to make it please do the hours and sell your life
I was once almost recruited by them, what a bullet that I dodged 😂
Community Builder
If there’s one pattern I observed on this little planet it is going to be diversity creates success come on guys synergies 1+1= more than 2
For example Dubai stood out for the high diversity drive and by unifying ideas and cultures
USA and UK too, and the higher the diversity the higher the chances the country stands from the lower diverse ones with an outlier that’s Japan. (Companies are indifferent, schools are indifferent… you get it)
I don’t care where they’re all from but how can they think out of the box if all come from non other the same box? Your box will always be the best..
Fundamentally programmed and flawed
(I ain’t perfect and that’s my opinion)
Missed out on this awesome AUB reunion…
Why do you care?
Confused, to say the least... they are all Lebanese ahaha what do you expect?
Community Builder
To join McK! You must’ve dodged a nuclear cannonball..
Lol all the none Lebanese trying to join😂
Lol you got everything g figured out don’t you 😂
Child man