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Last girl with makeup I met was a guy...
Haha. Do you like people who lie or tell the truth.
I like a girl who doesn't need makeup
Of course these men aren't telling the truth😊. Ladies, if love is a battlefield...would you go into battle without your beautiful mask and 👠?
I never bothered with makeup. Consequently, as a 26 year old woman I wouldn't know what to do with most articles of makeup. I hope you guys are telling the truth 😅
I don't wear a mask, and from my experience guys prefer that. Not that their preference inspires/ at all influences it; more my never wanting to be "dependent" on a mask to feel my best ☺️
feelings? None on this trivial, comical matter. But you sure have strong ones, girl. And yes, I think like a dude on some matters, but I gladly own and embrace it. So thanks for the compliment; I'm flattered 😂
Studies have shown when men are given side by side choices, they always prefer the "no makeup makeup" look to a bare face or a full face. I would also argue not all makeup is a "mask". You can certainly hide a great deal, but most people I know just polish up their natural faces with a tinted moisturizer and some mascara on a day-to-day basis.
Prefer natural beauty but you don't have a choice but to wear make-up as competition is high. You aren't getting any younger. My leverage as a man increases with each passing second.
No makeup
Tell the truth no matter what!😊
Less is better in my opinion.
And other comment was a joke, OP. Overall like to keep it 100. But totally support my fellow ladies and who cares how guys feel either way on what you do for yourself 👗👠💋
"Who don't own up to it"...VP1 you mentioned "mask" so that's why I responded using that word. And I don't. Don't even own mascara, blush, etc. So pleased to meet you. And no reason to get in your feelings about a girl not using makeup. I'm the one who made the comment, so clearly it's not something I'd bring up if that were the case. And as I said it has more to do with my philosophy - I don't feel a need to change myself externally to please anyone or feel better about myself. But you're so in your feelings maybe you're that dude GS2 is talking about. And if you're a girl, hopefully you can grow from feeling the need to wear a "mask" in life for others. I don't think most girls who wear makeup look at it in such a sad way, but if you do, hopefully you grow from that.
You said you assumed bc I was a girl and didn't wear makeup that I wasn't being honest. That's sad. And hopefully you don't feel the need to "wear a mask" anyway. Just do you, no biggie. And no need to attack anyone else for doing them.
On another note, lots of women I know wear makeup because they enjoy it- not because of what any guy prefers.
@VP1 I don't get why love is represented as a battlefield where we need beauty and impractical shoes though. In that analogy, my brain is my weapon and my refusal to dress for the other - to bring out my own confidence - is my armour. And if you think I 'don't own up to it' then you can laugh at my attempts to use it when my friends want to see just how much I don't get it 😄.
S&TAnalyst1 is dead right; it's about the self, not others. Put a fake face on me and I just feel awkward; but the same to my friend Jenny and she comes out of her shell. Never bothered when I was single, and my boyfriend never saw the point either. I don't quite understand why there are such double standards with what is socially required levels of effort with appearance between men & women, anyway. But that's just my 2c :)
It often boils down to coloring. If you're naturally dark, you can likely get away with little to no makeup. If you're pale with blond eyelashes or sparse brows or delicate features, a little makeup will give you a more dressed up, polished appearance.
I love makeup and wearing it but I don't need it. Some days I come to work with it and some days barely any ,
Fair enough and good for you for eschewing all makeup. I suppose everyone has a different definition of what constitutes a "mask". That said I have yet to have met a single woman who doesn't wear some form of a blush, mascara, lip gloss etc.. all components of a "mask". And women who don't own up to it, well that's not truthful either...imo