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Here is my story... Hoping someone has been through the similar situation and can shed some light on. I am originally from Turkey and have lived in the US for 5 years. Had a great job and life in NYC however I was so sad and lonely being away from my family so I decided to quit my job and everything.In expense of moving back home. So now I'm in Turkey i don't have a job and it's been months I'm sitting home and spending my savings. I have offers from right and left but I don't want to work again...
Seriously don’t feel guilty. I used to struggle with the same thing, but the truth is you need the break to do your best anyway. You just have to trust your gut on this one and that you’ll come out refreshed and more mentally equipped to handle workload.
Don’t feel guilty! You need to take care of yourself and your mental health, and that comes before work. ❤️ virtual hugs!
Why only 2 weeks? Take more time.
To be honest, I am nervous because I don’t have a lot of PTO accrued so I don’t know where to charge the time, and feel crappy leaving my team short handed
I’m confused. There is PTO and there is LOA. PTO is accrued but it’s not an issue if you exceed slightly (under a week or two) with your lead’s consent. LOA is either unpaid or paid leave for an extended period of time - 4 to 12 weeks usually. You don’t need anyone’s consent to take this (unpaid, FMLA) - but you do need doctor/psychiatrist approval to get it paid for.
I took medical LOA (paid) for 8 weeks for anxiety/depression. Feel free to DM me.