Had some anxiety before starting my PE gig but after 6 months in PE my stress/anxiety is 100x worse than pre PE. I'm experiencing a lot of physical symptoms of stress/anxiety for the first time. Can't decide if this is a reason to quit or not or if this job truly gets better over time.

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The ramp up from the first 6-12 months is awful. But there’s a certain point where everything “clicks” and you can start managing expectations and your lifestyle better. Give it another 6 mo - if you find you’re still not where you want to be after you get to that place, by all means leave. But leaving before a full year is selling yourself short - in my opinion


Actually, reading your other replies I may have misinterpreted how you’re feeling. That sounds more like a similar stress to banking.

What did you do pre-PE? Worse than banking stress?

No job is worth the stress. Your mental health is paramount. You can find tons of less stressful PE gigs as well. But please prioritize yourself and your health. Good luck my friend.


Great points. OP can definitely lateral with their current experience to smaller shops with better WLB and less stress.



I don’t work in PE obviously but in terms of the physical stress, I’ve found that going for a run for 30 minutes without my work phone around 9pm stops a lot of the symptoms I used to experience. Hope you can find a good way to de-stress… it’s not fun and anybody who’s experienced it knows that sometimes it isn’t worth it


The body keeps the score.


I quit after 4 months in PE


Thanks all. For causing it I think it's just sheer number of things that need to be done in a day across multiple deals, it feels like too much.

Also, the lack of control over weekends, eg on a live deal can't leave my office town in case I get "called in to the office" and just the general expectation to be fully available on weekends.


I hear you. I gave notice at my PE role after 7 years and this was a big reason why…I started having panic attacks, and didn’t see it getting better at my shop. My advice - it’s way more important to take care of yourself than to satisfy your team. Figure out a couple ways to make it better while you’re still there (work with certain people if you can, talk to a friend at a routine time, etc) but gtfo…I think at some places it gets better, and some places it doesn’t. Either way that’s a long time from now.


Is it the amount of work/learning curve/speed of deliverables or a combo?

What from your day to day is causing it? Happy to provide advice where I can.

Life is WAY too short to stay in a job that is affecting your mental/physical wellbeing.

This might be a reason to quit or restructure how you're going about your job. Burnout and destroying your mental health is not worth any salary

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