Had the craziest experience today at 1st ultrasound. Measured 6w5d (what I should be based on FET) but sonographer told me HR was 87 (low). I was hysterical (had a previous MMC after an initial low HR) and doctor came in and rescanned and said everything looked perfect and HR was 119 BPM! I am trying so hard to take comfort in the second scan but this is so stressful. Please send positive vibes my way 😭😭
Rising Star
You and baby have got this! Take the rest of the day off, and take care of you.
What do you think about the idea of calling the office and asking how much experience the first ultrasound tech has?
Since you mentioned FET, sounds like the office is used to handling mostly clients who will have higher anxiety
& not saying the ultrasound tech is a bad person… we all have to start somewhere… it’s a question that could give you some really useful context here
Ultrasound tech/sonographer- same
And even if the tech wasn’t young, radiology and sonography are common choices for women looking for second careers maybe after going back to work
Conversation Starter
Is it possible that the 87 was your heart rate? In the beginning of pregnancy, I tried to feel the baby hear beat. Later I realized that what I felt was just my own heart beat.
Yeah, I am thinking the sonographer may have accidentally captured my own heart rate!