Happy Friday everyone! Dunkin app has large coffee for $1.49 with a free donut. Making for a good mental health day!

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Or unhealthy day


Sugar helps mental health? Lol
This is America


Did you get it work? I’ve had issues with the app.


I did. The app actually reminded me to get the donut before I checked out.

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Wednesday Wisdom for you -

how to be a billionaire (per the internet):

-sleep 10 hrs/day
-read 6 books/week
-meditate for 2 hrs/day
-post motivational quotes
-wake up before 5am every day
-work 14 hrs/day
-workout 2 hrs/day (before work)
-but also have a good work-life balance


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🅰️ Crape Myrtle
🅱️ Forest Pansy Eastern Redbud

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Well so much for that idea. Now we can go back to trying to address the actual problem

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How do you avoid burnout?


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The proper way to end a day👌

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