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Parent folder (client) -> Timeframe (Year/Quarter) -> Projects -> Tasks/Phases/Misc like invoicing/POs, SOWS
For notes, I basically set up "templates" in emails but save formatting as a signature so I can quickly pull up, begin typing and send out afterwards.
I've heard "OneNote" is really good too but haven't explored much.
Last night I went through a few tik toks but I would love to know how everyone stays organized and streamlines for your teams😇
following !
This is going to set some people off but while I am SUPER detailed in folders (client - fiscal year - program - individual projects within the program - all relevant necessary folders there within) my notes are In a live excel so I can pivot the stuff I haven’t deleted and see what’s truly left on my todo list on a day to day basis. I date it so it’s clear what I’m procrastinating on too