Has anyone been diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma/hemorrhage in their first trimester ? How did it go for you- did it go away, stay without impact, or lead to a miscarriage ? It’s basically a form of internal bleeding- I’m super high risk already (44 yo, IVF)- but it increases the likelihood of miscarriage even more. Thanks!

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Had it during my pregnancy, but ended up being ok. Was 45, did IVF. It only happened once and RE monitored it. If I recall well, he explored adjusting my aspirin dose, but kept it the same in the end. What did your RE say?


Yup, it did go away on its own by my next visit, may have been a couple of weeks later. RE wasn’t concerned with it. I did deliver twins without any issues after that. Hope it all works out for you! When you graduate from your RE, get a high risk pregnancy OB on top of regular OB. Found the extra attention really great.


33y, FTM, I have one. Dr saw it on my first scan at 8w and told me to limit physical activity (pelvic rest, basically just went on walks nothing more strenuous) it grew by the next scan at 11w and was considered 'large' (4cm x 2cm) so I stopped even going for walks and did minimal house chores. I had no bleeding though. I'm 13w now, had my NT scan yesterday and it was finally smaller!! I can work my way up to more activity now, but am still very tentative. I had a previous miscarriage at ~6-7 weeks and also had one then, but that wasn't the cause. From what I've heard/read, its common and typically goes away by the second tri.


Yeah that’s the same advice my RE told me- just rest, not even walk. Hopefully I can just be lazy and not full on bed rest. I walked, maybe a little too much, this weekend and perhaps that helped create it, who knows. Keep me posted I hope it goes well for you! 🤞🏽


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