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Be aware and share credentials harvesting and social engineering in full display in this cyber attack:
The hackers said they used the authentication cookies to mimick an already-logged-in EA employee’s account and access EA’s Slack channel and then trick an EA IT support staffer into granting them access to the company’s internal network
#cybersecurity #cybercrime #cyberattack #share #cybersecurityawareness #security
11/9 Check In 🙌 What’s everyone up to today?
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Which states are landlord friendly?
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Yup. Depends on the state but I believe the majority of the states have a five year reciprocity in place. So for NYS, if you’ve been licensed in your original state for five years, you fill out the NYS reciprocity application (pretty straightforward) and NYS replies back within a month with your license.
Texas is completely non recip 😤
Depends on the state. Just finished it and got my second license. Wasn’t hard for me.