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Hi Everyone - My contract with MSFT recently came to an end due to the 18/6 policy. Looking out for new opportunities but am having a bit trouble landing something tbh. Does anyone have any advice, tips for getting an interview, or a referral you can provide for Microsoft Google Accenture Deloitte? Btw I reside in NY, have experience in Program/Project Mgt. within Business Ops and Marketing. Have worked as an FTE with MSFT for 4 years previously. Happy to share resume. Thanks in advance👍🏻
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30s and 40s make great company

Happy Friday ladies and gentlemen! Cheers 🥃

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Hey guy, I have this book out. Wondering if you could help me spread the word. It teaches you how to write KPI’s for an IDB perspective. I am in the market to switch career back to my original so I am open to assist especially non-profits address their data issues. Anyway guys if interested send me a DM.

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There had to have been an easier way to do this.

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Thoughts on internal audit at big 4?
Now I understand why a recruiter asked me to send her my resume in Word
that seems… shady at best. never heard of that but also haven’t done much job searching or anything.
Are you sure the recruiter didn’t just mention it to the interviewer? or did you actually see the resume and it had changed. In my career fair recruitment events we are supposed to take notes that get attached to the prospects “folder”, we don’t just pass on the resume and nothing else. (i am talking as an employee invited to man the booth not as a recruiter)
Keep us updated, curious to see what they say
Yes! I had a recruiter in DFW area do this to my resume. I told him I did not like that he took the liberty to stretch some of the items on my resume to make it fit his narrative to the companies he was presenting it to. It was even more sketch since he had me sign off on the resume. Lets just say it didnt work out with him.
He having you sign off on changes makes it less sketch, imo.
Rising Star
I refuse to send anything in Word, in fact I send them a flattened PDF copy. If they want to edit that it’s going to require a text box 😄