Perhaps not directly relevant, but I have a difficult family background. Never known my dad, my mom had serious drug/mental health issues. Grew up with grandparents and aunt & uncle. Somehow I miraculously did well in school and ended up in big law. For Christmas I plan on faking quarantine to explain why I’ll be alone, though I want to be more upfront with colleagues, friends and potential partners, but I’m afraid my story will appear off-putting to them. Or will it reflect positively on me?
And I'm so worried about how much time is passing by having to do things sequentially (IVF cycle, off-cycle to wait for genetic testing results, etc). My embryo numbers have not looked good so far so my doctor thinks a batched approach would help.
For me, it was only one cycle off to wait for testing and for my OHSS to resolve before I could start a new round of stims. Is it longer for you for some reason?
It seems smart to heal the body and fair to insurance to want to know genetic results before funding again.
If you’re strongly convinced of the need for batched, consider paying out of pocket and then appealing, knowing that your appeal might not come through. If batching works to get you a baby, and you want it this much, you won’t care about the $ in the long run.
My company had a lifetime max. Once you hit that - you’re on your own. They didn’t seem to care how I spent it.
Is it lifetime max at that healthcare provider or lifetime max for you as a person?
My insurance won't cover another cycle until all frozen embryos are used. My doctor's insurance coordinator said I could try a member appeal, but that the process is super slow. Was wondering if anyone has had a similar situation...