Has anyone successfully gotten back together with an ex? Is it just doomed to fail again (in my case for a 3rd time), or do you have a success story to share?

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Odds are against it working out.


Has anything changed since the breakup?


This is the right question. If no, then yes


Yup! Married to my wife for nearly 10 years. We tried unsuccessfully to date twice before long distance but didn’t work out. My persistent dad jokes and cooking got her back.


If the long distance was a contributing factor but now will be changing, I do think you have better odds. Again it’s about WHY you broke up and if those things are still there.

My best friend broke up with her boyfriend of 3.5 yrs for 2 years. After 2 years he started pursuing her again, they dated for another 4 years or so and have been married for 10 now.

In that 2 year break-up though, both dated other people and worked on themselves. I think that allowed them to grow and realize what they really wanted.


3rd sounds like a stretch. If it was second I think there are options but third time with the same ex is rarely “the charm.” Is say leave the past in the past.


SA3 that’s an excellent point. There were a couple of things that we weren’t on the same page about, but on my end I always thought we could bridge that gap and figure them out, that we loved each other enough to be able to work through it and come to agreement. She initiated the breakup when she no longer felt like that was the case. I guess we need to go right back to those conversations before anything else happens.

We actually did long distance again after being semi-local (i.e, she was an hour outside the city during the week and stayed w me on the weekend) for 10 weeks. We decided that the long distance would be temporary as she moved to my city about a year later.

Nope....run for the hills!!!

yes i have, 4 months into the relationship. one month apart before getting back together. its been 3 and a half years and we're both happier together :) it took a lot of work from both sides though

We were together for a bit less than 4 years and have been apart for almost a year now so we’ll see. Glad things are going well for you 👍🏻

My ex wants to get back with me and this would be our third attempt. I’m kind of hoping it’ll go well... but TBD!!

You know... I have tried and failed many times. The good old saying goes “they are an ex for a reason.” Sometimes love is blind.. I get it. Go with your intuition with it. If it doesn’t feel right, why continue? I know love is a tricky topic because emotions overrule rational at times, but just go with your gut feeling.

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