Has anyone tired Sakara? Been trying to eat healthy on travel project 😩

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That’s the brand name of an Egyptian beer 😂




Yes - usually on it for half the year. Really like it bc of the convenience and the salads are surprisingly filling and delicious


Looks interesting. I've done 22days and liked it. I prefer to know exact nutrient #s because I tend to go iron deficient really easily.

Two weeks straight to make it a habit!

I’ve been on it a couple of times. They use way too much sugar in everything - you’re better off with two eggs for breakfast, and two low calorie sweet green salads with no dressing for lunch and dinner. Cheaper and less sugar. Also, there’s been a quality decline from when they first launched a few years ago. It’s gotten consistently cheaper for lack of better word. The droppers for morning and night water instead of bottles was the final straw for me

The money is better used on dogpound sessions

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#SAP #SuccessFactors #MDF

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