Has anyone’s depression affected their dating ability?

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For me I started cheating with my ex and lost my lover and best friend. The worse part about it I was so depressed I just let things happen and couldn’t fight to save my relationship.

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24 F here ☺️


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Regular Runners: how do you break up your run schedule?

I have a 3 runs right now (long, med, sprint) at around 10 miles/week but am wondering if it may be more advantageous to just do more days at the moderate pace. My sprint workout is the same every week pretty much though I add maybe one interval every other week. Interested to hear what others do - do you switch up sprint workouts, run every day, or have a strict program?

I'm not training for anything specific. I'm also lifting. Thanks!

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I’m depressed. Nothing unique about my depression - I’m in big law, my career defines me, when I’m not working I can’t find the will to get off the couch, I’m sad or I’m numb…I know I’m the only one that can make a change to my life…I’m on antidepressants. Just extremely unmotivated and paralyzed. Self-help books are not for me, but I am curious - has anyone tried a guided depression/anxiety journal? Any recommendations if so? Or, if you have experienced the same, what steps did you take?


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When I was diagnosed, I struggled to find any info out there on adults and workplace etc. Thinking of setting up just a blog space for people’s stories, anonymously. If anyone’s happy to tell their story or an experience that might be useful lmk. Happy to provide a framework of questions so you don’t have to write a think piece... could be how it impacts work, advances your work, learnings from medication, learnings from stress, how you tell people, etc - anything that could help others!


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I know it's not healthy...but sometimes it feels good to knock out a few late night emails. 😅 Helps clear my mornings and makes me less anxious. Anyone else?


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You go through emotional highs and lows that can be mentally exhausting when you’re trying to close multiple deals. What if I told you taking your dog for walk everyday is just what you need for a mood booster? Yes, that’s right! It’s called dopamine.


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Edward Jones advisor with 30 million AUM and roughly 250k gross production. Been there for almost 4 years. Got an offer at Merrill Lynch to take over a 100 million dollar retirement transition plan in 5 years, or to join a 5 person Merrill Lynch team that manages a lot.

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Hi , I would need your support for being able to DM other folks regarding any opportunity.

Looking for your kind support in anticipation.


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Additional Posts in Depression/Anxiety Talk

Can you relate?

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Spent 10 yrs in therapy. Took a break for a few years. Scheduled first appt again today for 2 weeks from now. Glad that I have it on the books after months of research


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Quit drinking two weeks ago after a couple decades of heavy daily use. Was hoping for the pink cloud that people talk about, but if anything I feel worse. (cont)


Have been getting feedback that I know the answer when called upon, but don't present with confidence in a more general conversation, leading to distrust among key clients (i.e. presenting well but with low confidence) I feel over the years my confidence has eroded due to the negativity bias in the industry. What approaches do you take to look/ be more confident?


what’s the meaning of life for me? I don’t see myself in the consulting world and daily grind for the next ten sum years. but what can I spend my time on?


Constantly irritated, sad and frustrated. Find it impossible to care about anything that I do or take the steps I know I need to take to get out of it. Can't sleep through the night, tired all day.


Can someone suggest a good psychiatrist or psychologist in Houston please?


Do you ever feel like you work hard, made the best choices you could, and still feel so behind?


“life is a choice and death is a decision” - Lil Wayne


Feeling so anxious and quite honestly impatient waiting on job applications. I know I should keep applying but I'm a little confused for why I have so many just outstanding (10+). The impatience is probably just from wanting to leave my current job so badly. but it's still there. -sigh- I'm starting to feel like I'm losing steam and a little hope about exiting


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Starting an anti-depressant for the first time in my life tomorrow, after struggling with depression for my entire life (every second of all 37 years.) I was so against medication (due to family history of addiction) but I read so many positive comments on this bowl about how they’ve been life changing for people. I’m really, really optimistic but thinking maybe I should lower my expectations. What kind of mindset should I have as I start tomorrow? Will it really be as life changing as I hope?


What “self help” books are you guys reading? I just read Untamed by Glennon Doyle and wow, I want to start from the beginning again, but feel like I should read something else. Would love any suggestions.


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A very important person in my life recently passed. I was named after her, she raised me, we were very close, and I was at her bedside when she passed.

I always thought she was invincible and immortal, even when she was in an obvious decline. I'll never be able to hug her again and it feels cruel. I want her back. I feel empty and weak without her.

Mental health has always been a struggle for me, and I've never lost someone so close before. I don't know how to handle this. Any advice?


I wish I could have the conversations we have in this bowl at work. I think my happiness levels would increase by an order of magnitude. Grateful that this bowl (and app) exists.


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