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Happy 2017 everyone!! How's everyone feeling?
Date ideas in Charlotte?
Anyone on this bowl met up yet?
33f, tall looking for like minded Christian male
Happy 2017 everyone!! How's everyone feeling?
"I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing." @IBA1-- why do you have a job again? Trump thinks you should be in the kitchen... or on your knees... that's your value to society in his eyes (hence the hundreds of thousands people marching around the country today)
@Jeffries don't compare an affair while holding the highest office in the country to a marriage. Awareness of the fact that our country is less safe?! How is that better! Everyone is attacking each other and we are more divided as nation than ever before. Are we really better off than 8 years ago? A lot of people would disagree...
Are you serious? He boasted about sexual assault
"You know, it really doesn’t matter what they write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass. But she’s got to be young and beautiful."
@JPM1 probably because he wants to have sex with her...
@IBA1 1) the fact you are more aware of the issues surrounding racism is a significant improvement (these aren't new issues, , they've existed for a long time, and ignorance was a part of that) 2) the fact the GOP won tells me that most of the America is afraid of change (Make America Great Again -- refers to the past, and most of his policies surround erasing the policies that have created change and returning to the unchanged past)
@IBA1 your argument is crap. First of all, ML was 22. Second of all -- how on Earth do the Clinton's past actions make what Donald Trump has done ok!? If you have issues with the Clinton's, by your own logic you should be concerned by Trump as well! One doesn't cancel out the other and it makes you a YUGE hypocrite. And the fact he won doesn't tell me the country was looking for change, but rather continues to struggle with racism and misogyny, and that much works still needs to be done.
How has trump had even a chance?! I'm talking about over the last 8 years of the Obama administration. More attacks on our soil many of which American versus American which is just sad and terrifying. Obama didn't even offer to work with Trump in the transition so Trump has tried but no one is even giving him a chance. Just because someone is of age doesn't mean they are fully aware of the decision they are making. I don't agree with what trump has said I've said numerous times bro has no filter but he's our president now and we need to hope and pray he's going to move us in the right direction. Can we at least agree on that or will you just keep mentioning pussy again?
Are you serious right now? Have you seen the number of articles discussing how trump won and how people didn't feel comfortable being open about their views. How dense are you? You know what clearly we are set to disagree here. This isn't a conversation or an active dialogue, it's unproductive and if this is reflective of how similar conversations are happening across this country then we are screwed because united we stand divided we fall. Enjoy being annoyed for the next 4 years snowflake.
Trump supporters live in an alternate reality from the real world. And before all the attacks begin, I didn't vote for Hillary and I'm not a democrat. Go.
@jefferies if that's the case why is his daughter clearly his favorite child. I hope Jeffries has a safe space for you to go cry in
And FYI -- the rapist HRC represented plead guilty, so no, he did not get off. And her husband's sex was at least consensual...
Bill Clinton actually committed rape (Juanita Broderick), while Trump was heard in an off Mike moment spewing braggadocio. Gotta love the sanctimony of the left.
He's an overcompensating male who isn't Hillary that's what he did against women...she's not saint either
@JPM I'm speaking as a girl. Hillary let a rapist get off and don't even get me started on her husband Billy boy...I think trump has no filter but he's a typical overcompensating male. WOW never seen that before...
@evercore -- are you kidding me. I can post the full quote, but he was upset that dinner wasn't ready for him when he came home: "And I have days where, if I come home -- and I don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist -- but when I come home and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof,"
@Jeffries yes because a 22 year old always makes the right choice. Also that's the only story we know, the Clintons are the definition of corrupt politicians. How have race relations improved over the last 8 years?! Please tell me because they seem worse than ever. The fact that the republicans won the house and senate should tell you they wanted change
It doesn't you just keep saying it...Obama was extremely negative about all of Trump's choices not showing at all a united front. If Trump's choices were so awful how come they've had such strong approval numbers so far. Also wishing the worst for a president just because you don't like the guy is so petty. This is why our country so divided. People who didn't like Obama gave him a chance, every president deserves that at the very least.
Imagine if we always heard what people say behind closed doors...
Fun fact - Trump's approval rating was 57 today, higher than Obama's was for most of his presidency. Also Clinton was accused of sexual assault, but it wasn't proven (ML wasn't the only woman in his history). Supposedly HRC helped him intimidate/silence the other accusers.