Hate getting yelled at by partner as a first-year for something that wasn’t my fault… I do not know what I am doing and the senior was giving me direction and reviewing my work… I literally was just following instructions 😭

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Why is a partner yelling at you instead of the SA?


I don’t care what you did. You’re a first year. Maybe I’d discuss it with you so you understand and learn but the mistake is the SA’s. When you’re in a senior position, you’re responsible for everything that people junior to you do. And yes, the partner is ultimately responsible for everyone.


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16LPA fixed with variable 20%max .YOE 3.2 yrs

1) How is EY India? I have asked people working there and everyone has said positive things about the organisation. Wanted to double check.

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34 weeks. Starts being sleepy at 3pm. Thank god I work from home.


Have a great rest of your Monday!

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Please note that I'm on notice period and looking for urgent requirements.


Additional Posts in Big Law

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What’s the best way to handle it? He is completely hands off and then gets pissed when stuff doesn’t get done the way he wants it. I don’t actually fully know what is going on.


Any bankruptcy attorneys here willing to pitch in: (1) are updo facto clauses hard to enforce? (2) is a creditor obligated to continue performing under the contract t while a counterparts goes through bankruptcy? And (3)can a creditor obtain preferential treatment to ensure it will continue to receive ongoing payments from a bankruptcy counter party’s bankruptcy estate? Thank you!


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