I’ve suffered from workaholism for a long time. Thanks to a lot of great self help books and therapy, I’m no longer putting work on a pedestal and I’m spending a lot more time on self care and my marriage. But, unfortunately, I am now getting withdrawals, because my body is used to the daily adrenaline of throwing myself into work. It’s this terrible feeling of like anguish/unease in my gut, but I don’t have anything I’m worried about- it’s like my body wants to find something to worry about.
Yes, the vibe is everything.
Yeah I used to do spin classes pre pandemic and I had a favorite instructor, one I refused to go to, and the rest were fine in a pinch but not amazing.
Yes. I was on a cruise once and had paid for 3 spin classes, and attended 1 because the instructor told everyone they can’t drink water until he tells everyone to at once. I am a big believer in fitness being accessible, and part of that is understanding things like people having different sweat rates and different needs. I also find it difficult to attend spin classes now, because I had a really good instructor in college, who had a purpose for every workout, and I find most of them to just be the same with a lot of high intensity and then like one hill section.
Same! Even if I can keep up with those instructors, I don’t enjoy being yelled at and belittled like a child for an hr. The gym is my place to decompress.
It’s ok to make a decision that you feel is right for you and hurts no one else - really, it’s ok. If you don’t like the fitness class, find a different one that you do like.