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46 Indian M divorced in SoCal. Living in the US since 2004. Interested in connecting with women, preferably older than 38. Good luck with your search everyone!


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Inhouse designer in marketing for a data company. I was told to "hone a new technical skill" to better help the design team only (not social, or web teams).

I have a few ideas, but I wanted to see what you would do in my position to see if there are any skills I haven't thought of!!!!! TIA


I’ve gotten emails lately talking about how we are hiring at Accenture and asking us to tap into our networks, so figured I’d post on here. Needs being called out can be seen in the picture. I can’t promise I’ll respond to everything but if anyone wants a referral feel free to reach out. Also, I work in healthcare and I’ve gotten separate emails from leadership about how we need to hire more people there too.

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Hi folks,
Please help me calculate the monthly in hand salary before I accept.
Thanks & regards.
My current pay is 7 lakh fixed, with 60000 variable/year. Which comes to around 54,000 monthly in hand

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A majority of society tends to stick around to things because they are influenced by "enough" people doing something similar. Hence, they start living someone else's life instead of theirs.

Think about what you want for yourself, what's important, what you value. Then, ask yourself. Do I have these things? Am I living by the things that are important to me?

IG: Burnoutcoachcarlo

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Has anyone got their h1 stamped at UK recently ?


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When I was just out of college, I worked in a call center for a Fortune 500 company. One night, ten minutes before my shift was scheduled to end, I received a call from a customer. They needed simple maintenance performed on their account. But, for some reason, they were LIVID! From the second I picked up the receiver, I was bombarded with a profane tirade that went on and on. "I WANT A MANAGER!," he eventually shrieked. So, I connected the call... to a Taco Bell manager in Idaho.


Controversial opinion (ok maybe not too controversial)

Into the Spiderverse is THE best Spider-Man movie


The front desk lady at my dental office added me on FB after my appt. We chopped it up over text and went for drinks that evening. I ended up sucking her nips in parking lot and now dread going back


I’m 6 feet tall when I wear basketball shoes 😏 and I feel swoledaddy af knowing that


Op-Ed: As a black man with parents from Africa, I feel like Black people have been receiving reparations for decades now. Any further reparations are most likely going to be a waste of resources and regressive—especially if their fiscal.

Take someone like me:

A. Grew up in a single parent home with six brothers.

B. Had to move eight times in eight years because we were always renting a house.

C. I have three brothers who are either in jail or is a recovering addict.

But me (cont’d)...


I had a dream that I was solving for x^2+2x+5=0 and couldn’t solve it. So traumatizing 😭
Does anyone else get such dreams?


Tell me your dead bedroom stories


Dystopian versions of reality shows:

- Big Brother: the houseguests on the losing team for this challenge get sent to Room 101

- Love it or List it: we’re getting a divorce because this whole experience sucked

- Lego Masters: build a moving model of your most traumatic experience

- Naked and Afraid: Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donald have 5 days to make it from Newark to Trump Tower

- Maury Povich: no notable changes

- Deadliest Catch: The fleet trolls the Pacific Garbage Patch


I used my exes name with some numbers as password for many things.... Its a bitch. Especially when you break up lmao
Don't use your significant other name for passwords


Dated a guy for 3 months and then got ghosted. It’s been almost a year, I’m seeing someone new and I still can’t get over it. It’s so confusing why I can’t get it out of my head


My husband just informed me from another room that we had a friend coming over to drop something off and added “are you wearing pants?” This is the type of question that would never be asked prior to six months of WFH! 😂😂😂


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I moved from India to Canada 2yrs back. I am happy here, enjoying work, new place and new lifestyle. But, even after 2yrs of being in a new country I have no social life. Couldn't meet anyone new as it's a work from home situation. There are a few meetup groups but being an introvert that I am, it's hard to make friends this way. I prefer a more natural way of meeting people.. like at work or at an institute etc. Anybody has any suggestions?


I’m in love with the CoCo


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I hope the firm doesn’t notice I don’t do too much work


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My fiancé and i have been fighting almost daily recently. We are both at fault and i very clearly see how i contribute to the problems. His issue is anger management, my issue is serious depression and the negativity it causes. We both apologize for our faults and take responsibility but the same problems are reoccurring. We love each other and want things to work but we’re both going insane. Feeling unprepared for marriage and unsure about the path forward.


23 years in the professional workplace, I've had great careers. A few National level roles yet I still feel like an imposter. I often feel as all of my success was on the backs of the support team I had around me in various roles. In a role now with little to no qualified support and I feel as if I'm floundering. I'm a coach/motivator style of leader. I feel held back by my lack of experienced direct reports.
