Having trouble with the job search and school balance. I know what strategic and “easy” steps I need to do, but have trouble with the motivation and upkeep to do it. There are so many little things to keep track of and I get overwhelmed.
What job search organizational systems/tools help you? Any coping mechanisms for the job search overwhelm? How do you balance school and career?
Also I have ADHD and would be especially interested in neurodivergent-friendly tips if you have. Thanks in advance
Nice to see a friendly STL fish on here!
I’m in the same boat WUSTL. I’ve been using LinkedIn to set job alerts for specific organizations/job titles that I’m interested in, so new postings go straight to my email. Signing up for organization’s ‘talent communities’ through their career websites are helpful as well! It eliminates a lot of the sifting through postings and shows me the exact jobs I want to see. Using your career services office/handshake can be extremely helpful with reaching out to recruiters directly too in order to inquire about entry-level positions!
Best of luck! 🥳