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So I just recently passed my CPA exams and I’m now looking for new opportunities. I’m hoping to work at a big 4 firm in tax and possibly connect with anyone working there right now. Please reach out to me, I would look forward to connecting and learning more about potential opportunities. Thanks!EY PwC Deloitte KPMG
Hi anyone can help me with referal.
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SM2 salaries for tax compliance in NYC?
Any firms that sponsor visas, hiring analysts?
Sorry to hear that!
The good news is that the market is hot right now. Start putting yourself out there and practice practice practice!
Also, do spend some time on reflecting on this (sounds like you already are / have) and make sure you have a great answer to “what did you learn from this/ what will you do differently the next time”. To make this work in your favor, put things in “your” perspective that are in your circle of control, rather than blame them or circumstances, e.g. say “I will be more deliberate, thorough and systemic about receiving feedback so that I don’t get lulled into a false sense of effectiveness” rather than “I did not get enough feedback from the team”
Good luck!
Thank you so much. Yes, I've been doing a lot of self reflection -- I'm already applying :) and prepping for the next step in my career.
We are hiring. DM me
Sorry to hear that. There are def lots of good companies hiring right now. Best of luck to you.