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I finished my final round(s) for a TAM position at Google (GCP) last week and was told by my recruiter that my feedback was great and that I made a solid impression on the team and am "firmly in the running". I was supposed to hear back this week (according to the recruiter) but he just told me that it's still in the process and that I'll have to wait for another week or so.
Is this common at Google ? I have heard they are notorious for being really slow with their hiring process.
I got a call from the Google recruiter about my L7 em interview Google She said I did overwhelmingly good on all interviews except one had mixed feedback on a system design. No surprise because it was not a good interview. The recruiter said i had a choice to go to hiring committee, give referrals they could call about my system design or take another system design interview. I’m not confident about the system design because of the bad experience I had with the previous interviewer. What should I do?
Hi folks ,
I have UBS interview lined up
It’s for SAP role
I have asked for 18 lpa fixed ,
current years of exp : 5
1. Shall I accept anything less than this if they negotiate ? Also do they give this much for 5 yoe ?
2. Also how is UBS as a company for SAP folks and are there any on-site opportunities?
Your feedback is appreciated
Accenture @ubs Infosys EY Tata Consultancy
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You need to follow up if you haven't already. Do you have a recruiter or point of contact you can reach out to? I wouldn't suggest throwing out the possibility that you got the job; some companies take longer to make their decisions.
I think it's good to follow-up at this point, I'd usually take 1 week or two before doing so but they gave a date, April 7, and it's way beyond this date already.
Thanks for all the comments! I have sent the follow up message to my recruiting coordinator through her LinkedIn who scheduled an interview for me, cause that’s the only contact that I have. I still waiting for her to respond…
So I’m not sure how long the firm takes to give out the decision
As an RC, I can say unfortunately that it’s most likely that they will not be moving forward with your application. I’d actually recommend reaching out to the recruiter rather than the coordinator because most likely even if the coordinator sees the message, he/she probably can’t give a definite answer as the recruiter/HM ultimately may have made the decision to move on with other applications.
However, there is a tiny chance that it could be a logistic error (forgetting to send out a flw up email albeit very unlikely - but I think you should try to gather context from how the interview went. Was the recruiter/interviewer showing positive signs throughout the call and what was the communication like at the end? Did they mention next steps and that they’d be reaching out or that after discussing feedback they’d reach out?
Thanks for your comments!! The communication was good and she mentioned about I can expect to receive the results to move forward next week. However, I have messaged the person who interviewed me on LinkedIn and she said we cannot move forward with your application.
Or maybe I have expected a little too much about a positive result because the interview was very good and I could feel that she liked me, she sometimes expressed her impression when I answered her questions…Anyway, I should move forward and looking for another opportunities ^^. I think because I’m a sophomore and they don’t have any expectation of what I can do lol.
By the way, do you know if there is any leadership program opportunities that a sophomore can apply for ? Any firms, any opportunities, any suggestions would be helpful!!! I appreciate it!!!
Thank you,