Hello! Will a fellow special education teacher in an elementary school, self contained classroom, share their classroom schedule? What time does the teacher have their lunch and what time does the teacher have a planning period? I know it’ll be different for everyone, but just trying to work out a schedule! Thank you!!

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I was self contained 15 yrs. never had a planning period or duty free lunch


I write/plan my lessons after school and weekends if needed. I also use my own printer to scan & print activities.

I’m self contained, I have lunch at the same time as my students. My prep is when they are all in adapted PE.


Same here

We try to stagger the lunches so that only one adult is out at a time (as best you can). I take planning periods when many of the kids are out of the room (with OT, PT, Speech, Counseling, specials). If this doesn’t happen naturally, I would ask some of the related service providers if they could switch a time so that at least my neediest kids were out of the room at the same time so that it would be manageable for the paras.


NYMS - I assume you’re laughing about asking related service providers to switch times. Actually, I have really good relationships with them. I find that if you’re flexible when they need you to be, they will do the same for you 😊


I work in a self contained therapeutic behavior class. I eat with my class and rarely can all of them leave to go to an outside class. To get prep time and duty free lunch move up to middle or high school.


Yes, in middle school you’ll have a duty free lunch , your students will be in electives and / or PE and thats when you schedule your prep.


Running a self contained class can be hard to manage and not get burnt out. Use your paras to get you some planning time and a free lunch. Give them a beak as well , so everyone feels they matter. I always have an independent work time for my students ( work they can do independently and maintain skills) . This time gives everyone a chance to catch their breath and check students independence abilities. My schedule would be:
morning check in
Morning group(large group instruction)
Break 10 minutes
Fine motor/sensory
Large group instruction
Independent seat work
Pack up
There may be more depending on how long the day is and the abilities of my students.


I am self contained k-3. Half of my staff have lunch at 11:30 and half at noon. My lunch is at 1.


If you can, have them all pulled out for services (or with an aid helping shelve books in the library) around the same time so you can prep.


I have all academics in the morning.
When students have lunch, I have lunch. Staff goes with students to lunch, to help/supervise. When the students have PE. I have my Prep. I also work before school, and after school to catch up on any and all work.

Whole group ela
Rotations ela
Recess (15 min break)
Science (paras lunch)
Lunch and recess (my lunch)
Calming videos
Whole group math (para lunch)
Small group math
1 hr Exploration time (my prep)

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