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Is it a good time to switch jobs
Hi Fishes,
Recently I got an offer from Deloitte. The offer value they told is different and the value they projected in the offer letter is different. Does anyone had a similar experience. How does the variable pay and the hike cycle works in Deloitte? Please help me understand Deloitte USI Big 4
Additional Posts in The Worklife Bowl
Happy Easter 🐣🐇🐰
It’s end your own story.
Decided to buy an RV and travel around the US. She works in the back while I drive to the next great location.
But Chad, it’s not wise to travel around the US, we’re living unprecedented times right now.
You can love someone and still need space from them. Until the world gets back to normal, live in your separate places. If you’re both committed to the relationship, you can move in together at a later date.
Excited to see what sort of help is expected from strangers on the internet
After reading all this can I tell you how happy I am that I live in a coastal but rural area. My wife has a 1/2 acre to putter around in while I work or hangs out on the porch with the dog.
This isn’t helping OP. It looks amazing though.
Posted 2 minutes ago, more like 2 months ago #TooSlow 😂😂
Like we have anywhere to be rn haha
Rising Star
My girlfriend lives in a studio apartment. She wanted me to move in with her during this mess and I told her that it doesn’t make sense considering I have to work from home. I would absolutely want to kill her if I was stuck in a studio with her and her three cats for weeks. I know she’d wanna kill me too. Just try to wait this out. Hopefully she’ll calm down a bit and you guys can get a place with some more space down the line.
Haha yup, that talks is coming...
I don’t think she will be able to do that nor will I be able to not see her until this is over, and so far it’s very far from over.
Rising Star
Omg this is today’s JPM post. I can’t handle these cliffhangers!
EY4 update me too. Saw an update earlier from OP on a different thread that the friend was lying! But now that thread is deleted too!!!
She’s either writing a book or her phone died. 🦥
Or worse....
she would just stay at my place. But now we have been getting into fights, mostly because we’re in a small space and we don’t leave the house. There is no corner here where you can hide from each other. I asked politely today if she could go home for a few days so I can focus on my mental health. It’s hard for me to live on her schedule and feel like I’m in an office all day long when she is on conference calls. She didn’t take it very well and said that she loves me and wants to be with me no matter the circumstances. So to her it was like I was kicking her out, now she won’t even return my calls or text me back. I love her more than anything in the world. But, is it okay to love someone so much and need space because we are together too much? I would stay in her apartment but it’s more difficult for me because she has roommates and I have 2 cats, we cannot find an apartment now because she is scared to be on the lease for both of us, especially if she loses her job, which she is constantly worrying about. Because of corona we don’t want to do back and forth either (though she is an 8 min uber away)
Any advice?
Also, don’t listen to Manager 1.
How about finding an alternative? I’ve moved into my boyfriends apartment but commute to my “office” (my apartment) every day just as I would if I was working. It gives us space while also allowing us to be quarantine buddies. Granted I have no roommates, but I still think if she only is going to her apartment and yours it shouldn’t be that big a deal.
Rising Star
You gf can move in with me. Is she cute?😆
Or may be his phone is now with his girlfriend lol😂
Friendly Suggestion - Next time write the full post in a draft email, Notes, etc before submitting anything. Then copy/paste the rest to your follow-up post as needed.
my bf and I were long distance for 2 years. she lives 8 minutes away. you’ll be fine. and if you couldn’t even make it a few week living together, perhaps you have bigger things to think about 🐸
Tell her you are self quarantining
Where is the rest...
Rising Star
OP this is just temporary. Take a break from the relationship. Regroup once things go back to normal.
UPDATE: she broke up with me... over text. I have never been so hurt before, I loved her so much. And now being all alone and with no job, no family, no friends, I don’t know if I can make it
I an very sorry to hear this. SVP gave very good advice that you should consider. Go and win her back. Good luck!
And we hope to receive another update that says you are happily back together again. 😍