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A lot of our clients have complex issues that take a lot of research and analysis to figure out. If you aren’t getting challenged, talk to your teams and ask for more challenging work. It definitely exists in big4.
Right? I have 4 YOE in SALT and I still feel like I don't know anything with the sheer amount of new things I keep learning or seeing. Just when I think I got the hang of it, I'm humbled real fast.
Rising Star
The hard part is managing people and personalities, not so much the actual work.
Quite a lot of people are technical experts, but have little to know actual management training. There is quite a lot of toxic or counterproductive behavior that is generally kept on the rails by widely imposed standardized systems and processes, but that is at best just a fail safe.
If you find someone to work for who is actually a decent manager/leader don’t undervalue that. A lot of this job is driven by who you work with and not what you’re doing.
Exactly this. So many managers are straight trash at managing.
Please look up truth and opinion in the dictionary. They don’t mean the same thing
Lol. Oversimplifying much?
We get it, you finally figured out how to audit cash.
Correct. And the morons do it for 80+ hours/week during busy season 😂
At higher levels, you spend much of your time helping clients with complex issues, and you see your value-add a lot more clearly. I think it’s hard at the lower levels where so much of your day to day job satisfaction is influenced by supervisors who are still very inexperienced themselves. A good connected team with a great tone at the top is really important.
Rising Star
There are parts of audit that are difficult - like knowing that your client accounted for a hedge or acquisition correctly. It also teaches you good, clear documentation skills. I’m in industry now and I can tell nobody on my team worked in PA because it is so difficult to follow their journal entries and schedules.
It doesn’t help when your public client doesn’t want to use GAAP.
Big 4 work isn't hard. Everyone who thinks it's hard hasn't done anything else. Navigating a big 4 firm and it's politics however is so much harder than it should be.
Where do you fall on the Dunning-Kruger graph?