Currently in the US but interviewing for a UK-based firm and role. The comp level they are throwing around is £250k TC. Is this reasonable for a Director-level role with 12 YOE?
My comparator would be wait 18-24mo to become a consulting partner - in the US that starts at $450k/£325k.
For the purposes of this question, assume I’m optimizing for initial comp, not long term potential, and not livability, Intl experience, WLB, CoL etc.
I think it's partly the talent war and also because lots of folks have made a similar transition from consulting to PE so it's not uncommon
There must be some reason they're targeting you. Why not explore what they've got to offer?
I will actually, very curious to know those reasons.
Are they recruiting you for investment role? Or opps role?
Mainly investment!
I had the same experience - i pressure tested this with the fund a bit (which they didnt like at all). I would not recommend doing that ;-)
I would just trust them that they want some new perspective to the team.
Ahah, ok I’ll explore the opportunities and see what they have to offer. We never know!
It happens all the time tbh. If you're not interested, just say so...but most people are trying to jump between the two so they just hedge their bets really
Ok, that makes sense! What would be a good reason to jump from one to the other?
What role within investment team are they considering you for? Associate, Senior Associate?
I might have more transferable skills that I think then 🤷♀️.
That’s what I had in mind as well, knowing that I have 7 YOE they would not offer a junior position 😁.