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The book “Trader Construction Kit” is a great book if you want to learn. Written by a very smart author
It really is a great book. I read the book cover to cover and now I use it as reference when I need a refresher on something. If you are treating the book like an assignment, I would suggest doing the following:
-Read the chapter summaries first and then read the entire chapter.
-Before your study session, skim previous chapters and chapter summaries
-Understand every concept and word in the book. If you come across something you are not familiar with, do your own research online.
-Go at your own pace where you can fully grasp the material, but not too slow where you get rusty
-Reread chapter summaries and go over notes daily
If you don’t mind me asking, what in particular are you looking to gain from reading the book? I can suggestion additional readings if you would like
Never let your green trade turn to red. Always take profit!
i burned my account a while ago by not taking profit in time. Expensive lesson for me.
Risk Management
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