You'll probably have more money in Manchester but London > Manchester (for work + social) and pwc > kpmg. Obviously other aspects such as where your family and friends are is also important
Interviewed w Deloitte 3 - 4 weeks ago. Applicant portal says application still at interview stage, but not heard anything from recruiter nor person I interviewed with since. Should i take it as a no?
Has anyone here been through FTI Consulting recruitment process ? If so, please can you share some insights? I have been invited to complete the initial assessments this week. Please suggest the best way to prepare for it.
You'll probably have more money in Manchester but London > Manchester (for work + social) and pwc > kpmg. Obviously other aspects such as where your family and friends are is also important
OP - what level are you coming in at? Earning once chartered would be greater between cities.
Senior associate 1
What are your choosing criteria?
Have you considered all other offer elements - does KPMG offer health insurance vs PwC?
London will be better for social life and exit ops.
Initial gut is to go with London.
Okay, then Manchester potentially can help you save more short term.
You can do some basic cash flow modeling using excel and assumptions from websites like