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Pls suggest asap. Thanks.
Hello fishes, Need your suggestions. I have offers from Nagarro and Globallogic - both have similar offer amount (Nagarro has 5% variable and GL has 10% variable). GL is giving Noida as location Nagarro is PWFH. Yoe: 14,Project management stream.
I need to know both in terms of work culture, WLB, job security etc.
Infosys Tata Consultancy Nagarro GlobalLogic
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My wife and I are in Whittier. It’s situated close to downtown and several parks. If you’re looking for a singe family home I would recommend it.
I’m engaged and in my late 20s if that helps
Depends on what you’re looking for but Highlands, Berkeley, Speer and West Wash Park are my favorite. LoDo, RiNo, Cap Hill, Cherry Creek and Platt Park are my secondary preferences. City planning is still very much in its infancy. All these neighborhoods are sort of separated by underdeveloped areas.