Hi all!! Make here but wanted to repost after years of ivf and failures etc today we hit 14 weeks! Everyone here should be positive we had so many rough periods but finally are in a good place !!

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Congrats!!!! Great news. We are one week after transfer.


Congratulations! That’s wonderful. Thanks for posting your good news, I know many of us could use the encouragement 😁


I agree! We were pretty low after the miscarriage but therapy and acupuncture has really helped. I’m feeling really positive about January!

Congrats!!! 🎉🍾


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Anyone in SF (or the Bay Area) and can recommend a clinic here?


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Hi everyone, I am 4 days into my IUI process. I also recently found out that my UTI was not a UTI but instead Ureaplasma. My husband also tested positive.
We are waiting to hear back from the fertility specialist but I wanted to see if anyone has had this experience, or any knowledge. I’m nervous that the antibiotics will affect my ability to conceive, but just as nervous ureaplasma will make it difficult as well. I can wait until next month and start over but I really don’t want to. Any advice


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My husband and I have gone through all of the preliminary fertility testing with our RE - so blood work, Karyotype testing, baseline bloodwork and ultrasound on day 3 of cycle, HSG test, sperm analysis, and a genetic screen. Zero abnormal results found… we’re both 29 and healthy. Have been trying for about 14 months and have had 2 early miscarriages, 6 months apart. Anyone in a similar situation? Our follow up/treatment appointment is in 2 weeks, feeling anxious about next steps!


Bruising after progesterone shots???
How long do these last? I’m 20 weeks pregnant and can still see light bruising from these shots. Is that normal?


I am planning to change jobs but worried about losing the IVF coverage. I was reading that New Jersey mandates that all insurance providers that cover pregnancy, should provide fertility coverage. Does that mean, we have blanket coverage if we stay in New Jersey. What if the employer is in New York? Looks like NY also have similar mandate. Which one will apply and how?


Feb 2020: IUI leading to miscarriage at 7 weeks. August 2020: IVF frozen transfer (ICSI), miscarriage at 6 weeks. February 2021: IVF transfer #2, went for 8 week US today, baby’s measuring on track, heart rate of 170, I saw the heart beat and baby gave a little wiggle. Graduated from our fertility clinic, with 10 week US scheduled for
2 weeks from today. For now....the happiness is real (I’m the hubby btw).


Confirmed 1st BFP after almost 1yr TTC. Scheduled the prenatal visit for Sept. Anything I should do (or not do) in the early weeks / Anything that might be surprising but is normal? TIA!
