16 weeks and so worried all of the stress I’m under is going to hurt the baby. Between work, my own scary (non-pregnancy) health stuff, the pandemic, my mom (who is a widow and lives alone, basically isolated by choice due to covid) is having health issues, and pressures to keep billable hours up, I’ve been having complete breakdowns. Today I spent almost the entire day crying and now have to make up the billable time this weekend. I really worry abt what effect this will have on the babe.
This should be simple, deduct tax, pf, gratuity from total pkg and divide by 12. That should be your monthly in hand approx
Divide by 16,it gives your in hand, for new tax regime.
2.25 aproax
~ 2.2 if monthly PF deduction is 12% of basic
2.4 apr
What is your designation and year of experience ???
Basically u need to post complete distribution of package for anyone to calculate tax and other things