Hi everyone! Just some quick questions from me 😊 how much time did you roughly take to study for the NY Bar Exam? How exactly did you organize yourself in preparing for it? Did you first study the MBE + MEE subjects and then just focused on doing tests or were you doing the tests while studying? Thanks to all those who'll answer.

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Take a bar course and do what they say. 2 months.


Perfect. Thank you!

I used Kaplan to study for the bar exam. I took it July 2019. Kaplan sets up a studying schedule for you. If you follow it you should be good! Also, the course shows your strengths and weaknesses so you’ll know what you need to focus on. After I did the lesson of the day I usually tried to do MBE questions and reviewed each one, even if I got the question right. It also helps reviewing because you’ll be able to spot issues quicker. Once July hit I tried to do at least 1 MEE a day.. even if I just did an outline and not a full essay. I only did the full test when it was on the Kaplan schedule and treated it as if I was actually taking the exam.

Also, if you are taking the NYLE it is very easy... just watch the videos and read the outline. It is open outline. I was working full time while I was studying for it and only studied for a few hours a day. I think it took me a few weeks to get through the videos. The questions are literally word for word from the outline, so if you read through that enough times you’ll remember and have plenty of time for the exam.

Good luck!!


Thank you so much! This is truly helpful to hear especially since you used Kaplan too, I'm more reassured of my choice. I'm going through the books already before the course properly starts so that then I'll mix the studying with the practice. Thanks also for the information regarding the NYLE, I'm actually preparing for it as a proper exam so I've been repeating the different topics. It's great to hear!


I studied for 8 weeks starting the last week of May up to the exam at the end of July in 2017. I took Barbri...I also recommend you take a bar course.

For the first month, I took it easy, watching the video lectures on Barbri (I think they were about 2-3 hrs long but don’t remember anymore) and then did maybe one set of practice multiple choice a day (like 20 questions). I didn’t do any essay practice. At the end of June I think I was done going through the video lectures on all the various subjects, and I also started preparing outlines on all the subjects to help with memorization. I think it took me about 2 weeks to outline everything (in retrospect, this was a bit of a waste of time, and I should have outlined as soon as I was done with the video lecture on a particular subject).

July is when I started doing a lot more practice multiple choice questions, and I would make changes to my outlines or add extra things depending on what I was getting wrong in the practice questions. I didn’t study for the essays much..I think I did maybe like 1 or 2 timed ones, and then briefly outlined a couple per subject a week or so before the bar, and then read through the sample responses. 10 days before the bar is when I started ramping up memorizing (using my outline from end of june).

But yeah, def focus on the MBE more and do as many multiple choice practice questions as you can bear.


Thank you very much for your replies. I do work but part time so I manage to study also after work. I am definitely focusing on the MBE first since it's the most demanding part. So would you say I don't have to properly study for the NYLE? I've finished the course and have been repeating the topics to properly study for it

In addition to Barbri, I ordered the MBE flash cards available online. I’ve taken and passed 2 bar exams (1 while working, 1 summer after last school) and found the flash cards were a super helpful supplement for learning the rules.


Thank you! I'll have a look at those too


Two weeks. I borrowed a friend’s outline.

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