Hi everyone! New to the bowl. I have major ADHD, and have been on and off medicine. Although the medicine (adderal) helps me, I get VERY moody, mean, and easily irritated. I get so mean and moody that my boyfriend and I almost break up every time. Any suggestions on how to deal with this side effect while on adderal?

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Ooof -- have you talked to your psych about trying a different med? I started on Ritalin which gave me the same experience. I'm on adderall now and doing great! Talk to your doc because there are other options and the moodiness isn't sustainable longterm.


Will do thank you

There are other choices of drugs... Given adderal doesn't work, Vyvanse may give you the best of two worlds if the Ritalin tree doesn't work well... it sort of splits both trees...


Just no, on your Ritalin point. Vyvanse should provide a similar experience as Adderall. These are amphetamines while Ritalin is methylphenidate (not an amphetamine).


It’s worth going to a psychiatrist and figuring out a better drug regimen. Some people have improvement in ADHD symptoms by taking antidepressants, maybe that could be a better fit.


Thank you so much.

I used to be very irritated when the adderall started wearing off so I switched to Ritalin. Ritalin was way worse so I switched back to Adderall and I don’t know if it’s a tolerance thing or I’m just used to it but the side effects from adderall bother me a lot less. How long have you been taking adderall?


Oh okay yeah like others are suggesting, I think it’s important to try out some different medications to figure out what may or may not work for you! I tried 3 different ones and IR/XR versions before I settled on this


I switched from Adderall to Vyvanse which helped immensely. Adderall is absorbed in your bloodstream while vyvanse is digested in your gut. The effects are more smooth; I don’t feel jittery like I do on addy. Also, not sure if you’re eating enough protein before you take the adderall; that helps with the side effects


I have to try that! I usually take adderal on an empty stomach.
I may just have to try vyvanase. Thank you

I recently started adderall and have a similar experience! Doc told me I need to lay off the caffeine (boo!) and eat before taking it. Going to test that out for a week and see what happens.


Snacking when the med starts wearing off really helped me! I had similar issues and discussed with my doctor. She reminded me that stimulants are essentially hard on your body, so make sure you I give it enough fuel 😊


An off-label option that works for me is guanfacine er (Intuniv is the brand name) it started as a BP med for kids that they noticed help improve attention. I was able to cut my dose of Adderall by 2/3 (it's mostly to keep my BP up during the day now) and my irritability at the end of the day dropped a bunch. I had to jump through a bunch of hoops with my insurance to get there, but it works well for me. Everyone's body chemistry is different so keep trying things to see what works. Also, a good therapist can help suggest exercises or practices that you and/or your bf can lean on to mitigate or compassionately address irritability in the moment and I found meditation and self awareness practices helped me become more aware of when I felt more irritable so I could practice more measured and patient responses to things that would otherwise not bother me. Good luck!

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