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I'm joining EY next month for tech stack ODI, PL SQL. how flexible is it to change a skill set or project after 18 months in EY? I want to eventually move to the data engineering side. ODI (Oracle data integrator) is a niche tool which will go extinct in future and I want to move other technology hopefully in EY.Deloitte Accenture Tata Consultancy
Additional Posts in Fertility Bowl
Where can I go to check my sperm count?
Yeah, I got super tired on progesterone. You get used to it after 2 weeks. I guess body readjusts. Also super bloated
Rising Star
Progerstone also exacerbated my (TMI) first trimester constipation a lot.
Yes - I experienced palpitations and shortness of breath with 200mg suppositories twice daily. Progesterone is now listed as a drug allergy for me and try to avoid it if I can..not sure how this will work with my upcoming FET tho
I’m currently on 200mg once a day after RPL.
My symptoms are very minimal—tired, bloated, constipated but they are not hitting me hard at all (i’m 11 weeks with healthy heartbeat, I started at 7 weeks)
The only annoying things is the leakage—I finish next week and it can’t come soon enough, i’m tired of waking up in a progesterone puddle and waddling to bathroom, but if that’s what it takes I am all in haha