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Thoughts on resigning during busy season?
Hello fishes, need 11 likes please. TIA!
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wish me luck!! got an interview in 4 hours
Thoughts on resigning during busy season?
Hello fishes, need 11 likes please. TIA!
wish me luck!! got an interview in 4 hours
Biggest tip is starting and ending strong - Have a good intro - Tell me about yourself/Why this role and company. Avoid rambling. And end with quality questions about role, culture, etc
I recommend watching YouTube videos for prepping. Self Made Millennial has good feedback on her channel
Thank you I’ll check her out !
Yes! You should ask about what they do to prevent churn and how they measure success of their CSMs. What are their leading indicators of customer health? NPS? CSat? How do they anticipate a customer who is at risk?
Thank you for this great questions !