I wanted to share my salary progression, do you think my jumps are appropriate?
Out of College '20: $35K (Sales Associate)
'21: $40K (Associate Planner) 7 mo
'22: $60K (Senior Associate/Planner) 11 mo
New Job offer: $70K (Aug 1)
I have been considered for Supervisor roles ($80K+) but I still do not fully understand the big picture of Media Planning. I was originally trying to break into Project Mgt but took a job at another agency. Am I short-handing myself? I feel so lost in my career!
10k per year as someone who is still relatively new out of the work force is huge! So keep doing what you’re doing and absorb as much information along the way. I think I’m this stage of your career, focus more on the learning than the money. Prioritize your goal of obtaining that “big picture” that you’re talking about. Once you’ve gained the experience and knowledge, you’ll be able to make even bigger jumps in salary.
Thank you, I definitely need to focus more on the goal of understanding the big picture. I know if I can hone in on those skills, then I won't feel incompetent to take on a sup/man role. Thanks for the uplifting advice. I tend to worry about $ bc most people my age are jumping significantly and I thought (still do sometimes) I was falling behind.
You are doing well for your age/yoe
Relative to typical year-over-year salary increases, I think those are great jumps. I’m not familiar with Media Planning so can’t say if those are market rates for YOE. As far as feeling lost in your career, lmk when you figure it out so you can help me too lol
I'm not disagreeing with any comments about how well you're doing, it's great. But I would suggest reframing how look at this. Year over year increases are important, but the pay needs to match the position. This means looking at the measurable value and basing your potential off that. I was underemployed for a long time (ok, still am), but instead of sharing past salaries I gave reason to justify my new one, sometimes a large jump.
Ty, this is a parallel title move for me.