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Where can I go to check my sperm count?
Check your band for year 2020-21
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Where can I go to check my sperm count?
Yes, did your husband got checked?
Check that sperm.
That was my exact first thought 😂
1. Would try every other day vs every day
2. Do you use ovulation strips? Sometimes your fertile window isn’t what you think it is
3. Have husband get his sperm tested ASAP. That’s easy and cheap and accounts for like half the problems
Male factor infertility is vastly under diagnosed and often ignored. You should both go see and RE and get a work up.
Alternatively, get the ovulation strips if you haven’t already. I have been using those myself and they never align to the “ovulation days” I thought I’d have.
I regularly take prenatal vitamins and really worried of why I’m not getting pregnant 😒. I usually never miss my periods they are very regular. My husband is 33yrs old. Any suggestions and inputs will be really helpful. Please suggest best fertility doctors near by Boston,MA. Because my gynecologist is saying try for few more months. I don’t wanted to wait for one more year of trying and not getting pregnant.
Hi! Our gynecologist told us NOT to have sex everyday because that could lower the sperm count. Have sex every other day during the fertile window.
If you're concerned, then start making calls and schedule a RE appointment. Never hurt to check it out. Just tell them that you've been trying for over a year for insurance and other purposes.
Check out to find a reproductive endocrinologist near you. And I know it seems like it has taken forever but at 30 years old it’s definitely not “too late”!
I find that people always assume it's a woman's issue but half of the time it's actually the man - could be problems with his sperm. Get it checked out
Has your husband been tested? Sometimes there might be a minor issue that requires alcohol reduction or other things. 7 months isn’t that bad. If your tests are okay, then you’re in good shape. But I would definitely have your husband get tested. I know it can be a weird conversation, but better to know what you’re dealing with than not
Start sex cd 10. Have sex every alternate day till way past ovulation
I was TTC for almost a year and conceived 4 days after the end of my period. I know for a fact bc my husband traveled for work a lot so there was no other time. Ovulation cycles aren’t always by the books. Maybe get the test strips to check it out?