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Additional Posts in EAs / Executive Assistants
Do you love music, entertainment and/or art?
Would you want to work somewhere that gives you freedom to own projects?
Come work with me as we build the premiere data services platform for the creator economy here @
We already work with artists like Saweetie, Roddy Rich, Meek Mill, and more.
If you’re THE EA, hit me up. I cherish hustle, grit tossed with humility and bluntness.

1. Colour code everything in their diary (I use outlook). Travel in one colour, external meetings another, regular/recurring calls another etc.
2. Block out free time (in another colour of course) so that colleagues can’t just view their diary & put something in where they see a free slot. Forces them to come to you before scheduling anything.
3. Also ask execs to put their personal engagements & plans in their work diary too (if they’re happy to do so), so you have a full view of their plans & avoid scheduling anything that conflicts.
Hope that helps!
Thank you so much this helps a lot
I color code in outlook as well. Each of the attorneys I handle have their own style. One blocks out their work time and wants one hour meetings, another never blocks time, meets in half hours, etc. I use an excel sheet that I print at the beginning of the week for each and mark the time as I go, checking and updating my paper copy each time I offer dates. Good luck. Find what works for you and then don’t deviate. It’s the one time you didn’t do what you always do that bites you in the butt!
Thank you!!!
I color code too. I try and make meetings with 15 min increments in between, so if the meeting is 9-10am I won’t book the next one till 10:15 so they have a buffer. I also block out an hour each day for all of them for “lunch”.
I been color coding but it’s for me they don’t care for it lol. Important meetings red, team meetings green, all other meetings yellow, blue lunches focus times, baby blue 1:1s i may cut down on colors though lol