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If you got any UXer at your current place see if you can help him/her with anything. UX is about seeing the world differently not the tools. Seeing how UXer think is the best way to learn.
First be clear on what you want, user experience designer UX or user interface designer UI.
Coursera has some great free online UX courses. I suggest taking one from beginning to end before you make any decision
There are a ton of online resources now. Also look at General Assembly’s course/classes. IDEO published a few great books (free PDFs) on design thinking. Look at UXSTRAT and the speaker lists. Reach out to a few of them in your areas and try to meet. Also, investigate if your client(s) have a UX practice. It would be good both for your knowledge but also for the overall agency-client relationship if you built some bridges there
@Art Director OP I feel like the school is great for people that are doing a career shift, because it’s set up to be like agency life, it prepares students for that atmosphere but people that were at agencies before and come to bc, it feels like they’re annoyed with rookies sometimes but I guess the contact and the networking keeps them there...I’ve heard of some people that changed specialties at their agency and things worked out well. Not sure if I answered your question well enough, you can always call and speak to the lead director of the program
Try out invision studio, it’s like sketch but free!
Also and a lot of articles on medium
UX consultant, I'm open to both, honestly. I'm aware of the differences, and would like roles at smaller places that blend the two together, but if I had to pick one, UI would be something I could do all day every day without getting bored ever.
Thank you UXD1!! That's exactly what I was looking for. I've got a meeting set up with one of the team members coming up and working on getting into their projects. Love it.
And take actual classes. Don’t think that reading a bunch of UX Pin articles will make you an expert or qualified
I'm actually going to be working with Sketch and InVision on my next project so it times out perfectly.
I realize now "building" is a very literally description ha! Looking for insights on the whole industry (portfolio building, thoughts to be in, etc)
Fully agree, UXD2. I have a strong feeling I'm going to be applying to VCU's Experience Design program ultimately. Do you have any recommendations of classes? I'm assuming you're talking about in a classroom schooling, rather than online.
@ADOP college is the best. Coursera or IDF online is good for figuring out if you actually like UX. But something like General Assembly can be good (but you have to work at it and not just skate by)
Thank you UXD2! I appreciate that vote for college 👍🏾 I actually enjoyed school while I was in it, so to hear I will absolutely benefit from another program is satisfying.
I am looking to become more of a UI designer myself. Right now I have a decent amount of responsive design experience but no apps. How much of each UX and UI skillsets are required for a decent product designer position?
@Art Director OP I’m at VCU Brandcenter in the experience design track and I love it!
@Intern, that's awesome! Do you feel the program covers enough? I've been looking at MS programs over MBAs because the MBA looked to be too broad.